Mar 11, 2009

A teenager in our midst.

Hoss is freaking out because Ana has started wearing makeup. Just eyeshadow and lip gloss, but still, he acts as if she just announced her engagement. It's funny, he keeps muttering something about having daughters and being a proud gun owner. She asked me first before she bought any and then I showed her how to not leave the house looking like a clown or streetwalker. Nobody ever showed me how to wear makeup so I'm sure there are plenty of pics in existance that show me looking like Bozo. She is the very last of her friends to start wearing make up. Hoss should be thankful it took this long. She is the only one of her friends who doesn't have a cell phone *gasp*! Some of her friends act as if she is being abused. I don't really have a problem with her having a cell phone, she just needs to get a job to pay for it herself. Pretty simple really. I do have a problem when I see the 1st graders at my kids' school pull out their phones as soon as the bell rings at the end of the day. Those parents just need to be slapped. Hard. We did go ahead and get the kids their own phone # here at the house. More for my benefit really. This way I don't have to answer the phone when I hear their ring. Ana is the only one that uses it really, Akira doesn't make many phone calls ...yet. And Eli is a 9 yr old boy. Ana gets about 7 calls every night. Same conversation with each friend it seems. What are you wearing tomorrow? Are you coming over this weekend? Mr. Ressler is sooo hard! Did you see so-and-so holding hands?!Her number rings way more often than ours, a sad example of how I do not have much of a life. Hoss thinks it is a new sport though. He loves torturing her when someone calls. If he makes it to the phone first he makes sure to answer in his most embarrassing accent and then carries on a conversation with her friends while Ana is jumping at him trying to get the phone before dad humiliates her totally. If by chance she does reach the phone first, Hoss promptly picks up another handset to be as annoying as possible. That's when I hear "Mom, make him stop!" Being able to torture and humiliate your children, ah, the joys of parenthood.

1 comment:

Tia said...

Good Lord! Their own phone line? Seriously!?